La importancia de las dimensiones de la base y el radio de giro en una silla de ruedas eléctrica

La importancia de las dimensiones de la base y el radio de giro en una silla de ruedas eléctrica


Cuando se puso a disposición de los usuarios la primera silla de ruedas eléctrica con tracción central esto supuso una auténtica revolución en el mundo de la movilidad eléctrica. Proporcionar una opción de silla eléctrica con un radio de giro pequeño y una conducción más intuitiva permitió que más personas consideraran seriamente la movilidad eléctrica como una opción para obtener una movilidad independiente. En este artículo te contamos cómo afectan las dimensiones de la base y el radio de giro a la conducción de una silla de ruedas eléctrica.

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Visualizing the Ideal Wheelchair

Visualizing the Ideal Wheelchair


Con el lanzamiento de la silla de ruedas ligera QUICKIE Nitrum en 2020, Sunrise Medical también lanzó dos nuevas herramientas digitales para ayudar a superar el obstáculo de la visualización. El visualizador online 3D permite a cualquier persona configurar una Nitrum con las numerosas opciones disponibles. La segunda herramienta digital es una aplicación que te permite "ver" la silla Nitrum en tu propio entorno con la Realidad Aumentada (RA). Te presentamos ambas herramientas

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Weighing the Options of Transporting a Rigid Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair

Weighing the Options of Transporting a Rigid Ultra Lightweight Wheelchair


When it comes to the benefits of ultra lightweight wheelchair designs and configurations for active manual wheelchair users, the clinical evidence is strong. An individually designed ultra lightweight wheelchair is intended to serve as an extension of the individual user, so that he/she can independently participate in not only the basic activities of daily living, but also activities of choice. The ability to get out into the community via a personal vehicle or public transportation with their wheelchair is often a must-have when a client creates a list of what is important to take into consideration when getting a new wheelchair. In this blog, we will take a closer look at a couple of elements to consider related to transporting a rigid ultra lightweight wheelchair.

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Skin Microclimate and Wheelchair Seating, Part 1

Skin Microclimate and Wheelchair Seating, Part 1


Clients who use wheelchairs for mobility typically need to sit for long periods daily. This means that those of us in a clinical role to support wheelchair users need to be aware of the potential negative impacts of microclimate in seating.

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Taking Control: Ideas for Increasing Success with a Standard Joystick

Taking Control: Ideas for Increasing Success with a Standard Joystick


One of the areas that has evolved greatly over the years has been the way in which a user accesses the drive control of the power wheelchair. The creation of alternative drive controls such as head arrays, switches, mini-proportional joysticks, etc. have all opened up the world of independence through power mobility to individuals who are not able to use a standard joystick. However, there are some circumstances in which utilising a standard joystick is preferred for a variety of reasons.

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