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Education in Motion

Adjustability in Power Rehab Seating in the Clinic

Adjustability in Power Rehab Seating in the Clinic


As a member of a seating and mobility team in Long Island, New York, one of the more frustrating occurrences was delivering a wheelchair to a person who waited through the incredibly long justification, approval, and ordering process only to find out that the person had physically changed and the frame of the power wheelchair needed to go back to the dealer to be adjusted.

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A Few Words on Spokes

A Few Words on Spokes


When I shared this month’s EIM spokes topic with a colleague (himself an unapologetic powered wheelchair geek), the response was ‘that sounds painful.’I am undeterred. Stay with me for a few paragraphs.

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Tips for Selecting Solid Wheelchair Backs

Tips for Selecting Solid Wheelchair Backs


There is a plethora of prefabricated (off-the-shelf) wheelchair back supports on the market today. As a clinician, recommending the correct type of back support is only half the battle. Together with your equipment specialist (e.g. RTS, ATP, and/or manufacturer representative) you also need to make sure it is sized and set up appropriately to meet your client's needs.

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¿Cuál es la altura máxima que puede subir mi silla?

¿Cuál es la altura máxima que puede subir mi silla?


En la conducción de una silla de ruedas eléctrica intervienen muchas variables que inevitablemente pueden afectar al éxito a la hora de subir un bordillo, independientemente de la silla de ruedas eléctrica que el usuario esté utilizando. En este artículo repasamos algunas de esas variables.

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