Home / Formação / August 2021 / Guide to Memory Seat Programming

Guide to Memory Seat Programming


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The benefits and clinical application of being able to program the end positions of each power seat function angle to create a unique "position" or posture for the client that can be achieved by a push of a button and/or the joystick was reviewed in the Memory Seat Functions Education in Motion resource. In order to allow users to take full advantage of the ability to personalize the memory seating feature available on QUICKIE power wheelchairs with the CxSM module, it is important that the client's wheelchair service provider or clinician program each position individually. This guide provides an easy-to-follow process for memory seat programming.

Step 1

Move the seating to desired position. Change each actuator and element of the seating system to achieve your desired position.

QUICKIE power wheelchair

Step 2

Using the joystick, display the desired memory position you would like to change. Example: "M3 Pressure Relief" or "Relax"

Joystick indicator

Step 3

Plug a single switch (example: egg switch) into inhibit #6 on the CxSM.

Egg Switch

Step 4

Press and hold the single switch, then pull the joystick back and hold for three seconds.

Pull joystick back

Step 5

Once you hear the joystick beep, the position is set. Release the joystick, then release the button.

Audio icon


To reset a memory position back to factory settings, repeat steps 4-5, but hold for six seconds (second tone will sound).

Note: Only Sunrise Medical power wheelchairs utilizing the CxSM control module have access to the memory seating option. If you have questions as to if a specific power wheelchair has this option, contact your local Sunrise Medical representative or Customer Service at 800-333-4000 with the serial number.

Clinical Support Information Citations


  1. Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Society of North America. (2012). RESNA Position on the Application of Ultralight Manual Wheelchairs.
  2. Consortium for Spinal Cord Medicine. (2005). Preservation of Upper Limb Function Following Spinal Cord Injury: A Clinical Practice Guideline for Health-Care Professionals. Paralyzed Veterans of America.
  3. Bjornson, A. (2019). An Overview of Ultralight Manual Wheelchair Frame Styles. Retrieved from https://www.sunrisemedical.com/education-in-motion/blog/october-2019/overview-ultralight-manual-wheelchair-frame-styles
  4. Sherman, S. (2019). Understanding Choices in Rigid Wheelchairs. Retrieved from https://www.sunrisemedical.ca/education-in-motion/clinical-corner-archive/march-2019/understanding-choices-in-rigid-wheelchairs

RESERVADO PARA UTILIZAÇÃO PROFISSIONAL. ESTE BLOGUE E A INFORMAÇÃO APRESENTADA NO MESMO NÃO PRESSUPÕEM ACONSELHAMENTO CLÍNICO. A Sunrise Medical não pode fornecer serviços médicos. Todas as informações apresentadas aqui (incluindo documentos a que se faz referência), incluindo, mas não limitado a, textos, gráficos, imagens e descrições, são meramente informativas e destinam-se a ser usadas exclusivamente por profissionais de saúde como um recurso geral de informação e apoio ao seu trabalho de avaliação e aconselhamento a pessoas em cadeira de rodas, nos temas de sedestação e adaptação de equipamentos de mobilidade. As informações aqui apresentadas (incluindo os documentos referenciados) não pretendem ser nem substituir uma avaliação clínica, diagnóstico ou tratamento médico. Nunca ignore os tratamentos médicos e conselhos de um profissional de saúde como consequência da informação e documentos referenciados que eventualmente venha a tomar conhecimento neste blogue. É função dos especialistas clínicos rever e comparar a informação aqui apresentada com outras fontes.