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Tilt in Space wheelchairs

Tilt in Space wheelchairs


Today I will focus on the subject of tilt in space. I was recently asked what is the recommended degree of tilt for an individual for maximal pressure relief? To answer this we must first ask a few questions.

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Growth and Solid Backs

Growth and Solid Backs


The challenges of growing teenagers and solid backs. I was asked my advice on another interesting clinical conundrum, which I explore in this article.

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The Centre of Gravity (COG)

The Centre of Gravity (COG)


When the rear axle is set correctly for a self-propelling manual wheelchair user the wheelchair feels better and opens up the most independent performance.  Set poorly and the wheelchair can become unstable, painful and even more immovable than the current parliamentary Brexit debate.One of the first concepts most high-end manual wheelchair prescribers learn is that, generally, moving the rear axle forward makes propulsion easier but reduces the rear stability. This isn’t inherently a bad thing, as a little rearward ‘tippiness’ is needed to clear small everyday obstacles.

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La ciencia tras los mecanismos de basculación para sillas manuales

La ciencia tras los mecanismos de basculación para sillas manuales


Este mes, nos centraremos en las sillas de ruedas con basculación y en cómo el mecanismo de basculación afecta a la base de apoyo, incluidos la distancia total entre ejes de la silla de ruedas, el desplazamiento potencial del centro de gravedad y el esfuerzo necesario para bascular a una persona hacia adelante y hacia atrás.

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